Frequently asked questions and answers for refugees from Ukraine

Can I get essential medical care and will that be reimbursed?

Refugees from Ukraine will receive a reimbursement for any essential medical care. This is regulated in the RMO, de Regulations Governing Healthcare for Ukrainian Refugees (Regeling Medische zorg Oekraïense Ontheemden) (Deze link gaat naar een andere website).

How do I access acute dental care?

Regular dental care is covered by the basic health insurance package for children aged up to 18. Treatment provided by an orthodontist is not reimbursed.

Refugees aged 18 and over can receive acute dental care from a number of dentists and orthodontists in the region who have made themselves available to provide this treatment as agreed in de Regulations Governing Medical Care for Asylum Seekers (Regeling Medische zorg Asielzoekers). Refugees can contact the following practices in the region:

Are child and youth health services also available to children from Ukraine?

Yes. Ukrainian refugees can contact the Child and Youth Health Services (Jeugdgezondheidszorg) for an appointment at a child healthcare clinic, for vaccinations and for questions about health and raising children aged up to 18. Assistance provided by the Child and Youth Health Services and the vaccinations are free of charge.

Regulations governing pets from Ukraine

Refugees who have brought a pet with them should contact the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit, NVWA) as soon as possible in order to register their pet. They are also required to take their pet to a local veterinary clinic as soon as possible so that the pet can, as necessary, be vaccinated against rabies. Until the appointment has taken place it is important to keep the animal away from other (domestic) animals or people as much as possible.

A large number of animal aid organisations have set up a central hotline specially to provide and coordinate help for pets brought into the country by refugees. This hotline can be contacted by telephone on +31 (0)88 811 33 33 and by e-mail at: More information can be found on the website: (Deze link gaat naar een andere website).

No pets are permitted in the municipal reception centres.

Am I allowed to work?

Yes, refugees covered by the European Union's Temporary Protection Directive (Richtlijn Tijdelijke Bescherming) are allowed to perform paid work. In such instances the employer does not need a work permit. However, the employer must notify the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV).

Ukrainian refugees need the following in order to be able to work:

Am I allowed to do voluntary work?

Refugees are allowed to do voluntary work if they are covered by the European Union's Temporary Protection Directive (Richtlijn Tijdelijke Bescherming). No work permit is required, but the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV) will check whether the work is indeed voluntary work. For that reason the organisation must apply for a volunteer statement from the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV). You can find more information on this on the central government website (Deze link gaat naar een andere website).

Am I allowed to do an internship?

Refugees are allowed to do an internship during their studies if they are covered by the European Union's Temporary Protection Directive (Richtlijn Tijdelijke Bescherming). However, an internship agreement must be concluded between the intern, the employer and the educational institution.

Will I receive a living allowance?

A government-run living allowance scheme has been set up for refugees from Ukraine who do you not have any income. This scheme applies both to refugees who are staying with host families and to refugees in the municipal reception centres. In order to be eligible, however, refugees must be registered in the Personal Records Database (Basisregistratie Personen, (BRP) of the municipality of Maashorst.

You can find the latest living allowance amounts on the central government website (Deze link gaat naar een andere website). The information is available in 3 different languages (Dutch, English and Ukrainian).

If you have any questions about the living allowance scheme, please call the social domain hotline of the municipality of Maashorst on +31 (0)413 - 28 19 11.
How do I apply for the living allowance?
An application for the living allowance for refugees from Ukraine consists of:

NB: the following information is important! If the application is incomplete, it will not be processed and you will not receive the living allowance.

Living allowance scheme application form (PDF, 185.3 kB)

The living allowance scheme application form must be completed in full and signed, and must then be sent to It should be accompanied by a copy of your identity document (even if it has expired) and a copy of the bank card linked to the account into which the living allowance is to be paid. The form plus the additional documents can also be submitted in 1 envelope to:

Municipality of Maashorst (social domain, Ukraine living allowance)
Markt 145
5401EJ Uden

The living allowance is paid out monthly in the first week of each month.

How do I give notice of any changes which affect the living allowance?

If something changes in a refugee's situation, this may affect their living allowance. For example, payments will stop if the refugee starts receiving income from work. If the refugee is temporarily absent, for example due to a holiday or temporary stay in another country, there may be consequences for their living allowance. The municipality of Maashorst will also stop making the payments if the refugee goes to live somewhere outside the municipality. You are obliged to notify us of these changes using the change form below. The same applies to any change in bank account number.

Living allowance scheme change form (PDF, 178.2 kB)

You can email the form and any additional information requested in the form to If the change gives reason to do so, the living allowance payments will stop as of the first day of the following month.
Can my children benefit from schemes provided via the Children's Package (Kindpakket) (youth fund, sport and culture, swimming lessons and the child poverty foundation 'Stichting Leergeld')?
Children whose parents receive the living allowance from the municipality may also be able to benefit from support provided by 'Stichting Leergeld'. This support covers social, cultural, sports and educational activities. Parents can find out more by contacting 'Stichting Leergeld'. The support the foundation provides concerns the following:

Stichting Leergeld contact details: Telephone no.: +31 (0)6-231 296 55 (Wednesday and Thursday 10.00-16.00 but not during school holidays).

Will I receive a reimbursement for the costs of transporting my child to and from school?

A reimbursement is available for the travel costs incurred by Ukrainian children aged 12 to 18 who attend a school located further than 10 km from their home address.

More information is available via the following link: rules governing the travel allowance for Ukrainian school children.

Can my children attend a childcare centre?

Yes, children can be registered for childcare. Children aged 0-4 can attend a nursery and children aged 4-12 can attend out-of-school care. Facilities are also available for children aged 2-4. Children can also be looked after by a host parent.
Parents can choose the childcare location themselves.

Although childcare is not free, Ukrainian refugees can sometimes apply directly for a childcare allowance. However, they may have to make a small personal contribution. More information is available on the website of the Tax and Customs Administration (Deze link gaat naar een andere website).

Can I or my children participate in any local sporting activities?

Yes, there are a number of clubs and other sports facilities where refugees can participate in activities for free. Refugees can also choose to use the living allowance they receive to participate in sporting activities which are not free. Refugees can check whether they are available for an allowance from the Youth and Culture Sports Fund (Sportfonds Jeugd en Cultuur) (Deze link gaat naar een andere website).

An overview of exercise and sports activities in Maashorst can be found on the 'Missie Maashorst' website (Deze link gaat naar een andere website).

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