Questions & Answers Ukrainian refugees accommodation | English

There are many questions for the municipality about initiatives for the reception of refugees. The municipality considers it important that the reception of refugees is coordinated. Normally, the COA does this in the Netherlands. It is still unclear how exactly the accommodation of refugees from Ukraine will be arranged. There is currently plenty of consultation about this between various ministries, VNG, Security Regions and other parties involved.

Below you will find the most frequently asked questions. Developments are moving fast and we ensure that the questions and answers are constantly updated and supplemented where necessary.

Q&A Accommodation

Why does the municipality of Maashorst receive Ukrainian refugees?

On February 24, 2022, Russian troops invaded Ukraine. More than two million Ukrainians are now on the run. The policy of the national government is always aimed at accommodating people as much as possible in the region. Now Europe is the region.
The Netherlands is preparing for large-scale reception of refugees from Ukraine. Together with other municipalities in the Brabant Noord Safety Region, the municipality of Maashorst is committed to realising the first 1,000 locations for accommodation within 14 days (before 21 March). Specifically for the municipality of Maashorst, this means that we want to house 100 to 200 refugees in the short term.

Where are the refugees received?

Some Ukrainians who come to the Netherlands are expected to stay with family, friends or acquaintances. For refugees who do not have a place to sleep with friends or family, the Dutch government provides a place to sleep. The first municipal locations in the Netherlands for Ukrainians have now been opened. Refugees can go here for basic services such as a bed, food and medical care.

The central government has indicated that the Marechaussee refers people who need shelter at the border to the reception locations. At the moment there are three known central places where Ukrainian refugees can report if they are looking for shelter: - Utrecht, Jaarbeurs, Hall 7- Amsterdam, RAI Convention Centre- Maastricht, MECC Evenementencentrum

On presentation of a Ukrainian passport, refugees can travel for free by train in the Netherlands.

In addition to these locations, refugees can request shelter in any region in the Netherlands. We will also house refugees within the municipality of Maashorst. This happens to private individuals who have registered for this, but also in municipal buildings that we set up for this purpose.

What are the municipal reception locations?

The municipality of Maashorst has been commissioned by the Brabant Noord safety region to have a shelter for 88 refugees in the very short term. Shortly thereafter, another 88 sleeping places must be added. In total, there are 176 sleeping places that we will at least furnish. We do this at the following locations:

I want to offer a place to sleep or a place to stay. Where can I go?

Do you want one or more refugees to stay at your home or do you have other accommodation available?  You can then register via Takecarebnb (Update war in Ukraine  - Takecarebnb (Deze link gaat naar een andere website)) This organization mediates between refugees and host families.

If you have registered, you will receive a call from TakecareBnB. They will then ask you a few questions (screening). After a successful conversation, the information about your location will be shared with the relevant government agency. If a reception place for a refugee is needed, you can then be approached.

Realize that the care will in all likelihood last longer than two weeks and a stay can therefore be long-term.

In addition, you can  find tips for receiving refugees on the Takecarebnb site (10 tips for receiving a refugee - Takecarebnb (Deze link gaat naar een andere website)).

I have a large-scale reception location available. Where can I go?

Do you want to make a reception location available where larger groups of refugees can get shelter, such as a holiday park, hotel or business premises? We ask you to contact the municipality via the special email address
We take up your location in our inventory. If it is necessary to make use of your location we will contact you.

Will I receive compensation for offering childcare?

No, we will not give you a compensation.

In a few weeks’ time the refugees will get access to a monthly allowance provided by the local municipality. This happens on the condition that the refugees are registered at the municipality.

The refugees can decide to give you some of the money they receive to contribute to their stay. This is completely up to them.

I have already received refugees. Is it necessary for me to report this to the municipality?

Yes, that is necessary. We can then register them in the Personal Records Database (BRP). This is important because we know that they are staying in our municipality and at what location. That makes it possible to offer support.

In order for the registration to be successful, it is important that you fill in some forms at home together with the refugees, such as the information form and the consent form for habitation. These can be found on the municipal website: Ukraine | Municipality of Maashorst.

You then make an appointment with the municipality for the BRP registration. You can send an email to the municipality of Maashorst: After this we will make an appointment for the registration. You will then take the completed forms with you to the appointment.

The registration applies to persons who can prove that they have Ukrainian nationality by means of an identification document.

If a Ukrainian is not or insufficiently documented and the municipality cannot establish the identity or nationality, this person can be referred to the Ukrainian embassy. The embassy can verify the person and issue a certificate confirming identity and nationality.
Ukrainians can request this document during the walk-in consultation hour of the consular section of the Ukrainian embassy on working days from 09:00-13:00 at Zeestraat 78, 2518 AD The Hague.

Children without a passport can be registered with their parents in the BRP at the municipality. In the absence of other documents, parents can make a statement under oath or promise, with which the municipality determines the identity of the children. Subsequently, the municipality also registers these children. This is an exception to the standard rule that requires proof of identity. This exception is only applicable to this target group in the current circumstances.

I have already received refugees. Can I ask for (practical) help somewhere?

As a host family, you are not alone. The Salvation Army makes home visits and guides communities of host families (support to each other). Ukraine: this is how we help - Red Cross Netherlands (Deze link gaat naar een andere website)

In addition, the Dutch Council for Refugees provides consultation hours where you can ask questions. These are also drawn up in the municipality of Maashorst.

The Red Cross also has a WhatsApp helpline for Ukrainians. Here people can ask help questions in Ukrainian and English and get answers in the same language. The WhatsApp helpline refugees can be reached via: 06-48158053

For Dutch speakers there is a number for people seeking help and care providers: 070-4455888. This can be reached on weekdays between 9:00 and 21:00.

Do the refugees have to apply for asylum in the Netherlands?

Ukrainians are allowed to travel visa-free in the European Union for 90 days and therefore do not have to apply for asylum to legally stay in the Netherlands. The government has announced that Ukrainians do not have to worry when those 90 days are over.

Ukrainians can always choose to apply for asylum now and in the future. This may be wise, for example, if it becomes clear that someone will not be able to return after the war. Anyone who fears persecution by those who are in charge in the country can still apply for asylum in the Netherlands.

Ukrainians who decide to apply for asylum stay in the regular COA reception locations (asylum seekers' centers and emergency shelter). The reception situation of asylum seekers in the Netherlands is currently overcrowded and that is why there is emergency shelter in barracks, boats, halls and tents. Asylum seekers have little privacy here and only the basic facilities are arranged such as a bed and food. How long they will stay there, and whether they will eventually need a home, is not yet possible to say. This depends on how the war will develop.

Does offering a place to sleep have consequences for my allowances or taxes?

Offering private shelter to Ukrainians can have long-term consequences for your allowances. For the short term, you don't have to worry. As soon as there is more clarity about the residence status of the refugees, it will also be known what the consequences on your allowances, municipal taxes or benefit may be.

Why are Ukrainians not taken in with other refugees in an asylum seekers' center?

Asylum seekers' centers are home to refugees and asylum seekers who are waiting for their asylum procedure and housing. Refugees from Ukraine can travel within the European Union without a visa. They therefore do not have to apply for asylum to be allowed to be in the Netherlands. In many municipalities, therefore, reception locations will soon open that are intended for refugees from Ukraine. When Ukrainians apply for asylum, they do end up in asylum seekers' centers.

How long will Ukrainians stay here?

Refugees usually prefer to stay close to home, in order to be able to return as soon as it is safe again. Ukrainians are fleeing war violence. They will stay as long as it is not safe to return.

I have contact with Ukrainians who want to come to the Netherlands. Can I pick them  up?

The situation on the border with Ukraine is very unclear and subject to change. We cannot provide up-to-date information on the situation at border crossings and reception and registration centers at the border. We can't tell you if it's actually possible to pick people up there. Therefore the Dutch Government advises not to travel to Ukraine or its border to pick up refugees.

It is possible for many Ukrainians to travel visa-free to the Netherlands. When Ukrainians meet the conditions for visa-free travel, they can legally travel to the Netherlands. For example, they must have a biometric passport (also called an e-passport or a digital passport). This is a traditional passport with a built-in chip that contains biometric information that can be used to verify the identity of the passport holder. Offering them help is not punishable.

Other Ukrainians travel illegally. If you transport Ukrainians who are illegally on European territory, this may be classified as people smuggling. This is a criminal offence. European governments have pledged to be generous towards Ukrainian refugees, but that does not offer any guarantees about what happens during checks by the aliens police on the way.

Whether Ukrainian refugees come to the Netherlands is their own choice. Personal circumstances, such as family elsewhere in Europe, can play an important role in this. The municipality cannot give advice on this. For more information, visit the website of the Immigration and Naturalisation Servic (Deze link gaat naar een andere website)e.

You can find more information on the website of Vluchtelingenwerk: Frequently asked questions about Ukraine ( (Deze link gaat naar een andere website)

I am in contact with refugees from Ukrainians in the Netherlands who ask for advice. How do I get information for them?

Many questions about the rights and obligations of Ukrainians in the Netherlands are still unclear. On the site of Europa Decentraal (FAQ Refugees from Ukraine - Europe decentralised) yo (Deze link gaat naar een andere website)u can find information about the rights of Ukrainian refugees in the Netherlands.
Information about the residence status and procedure can be found at the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND): Ukraine: consequences for residence and applications Ukrainians and Russians | Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) (Deze link gaat naar een andere website).

Q&A Medical care, allowance, work, school

Can Ukrainian refugees receive (medically necessary) help and is this reimbursed?

Yes. The care provider who has provided this care can declare the healthcare costs to the CAK. The bill is then paid from the Subsidy Scheme for medically necessary care for the uninsured. Ukrainian refugees who have applied for asylum are insured through the Medical Care Scheme for Asylum Seekers.

If you have a refugee in your home who needs (acute) care, you can put this person in contact with your own general practitioner or gp post / hospital. If you have any questions about vaccinations, for example for COVID-19, you can contact the GGD Hart voor Brabant (GGD Hart voor Brabant ( (Deze link gaat naar een andere website).

More information about providing care to Ukrainians in the Netherlands can be found on the website (Deze link gaat naar een andere website). If you do not find the answer on the website, you can call the Health Insurance Line free of charge on 0800-6464644 or from abroad +31 88 900 69 60.

Do Ukrainian refugees receive any allowance?

In a few weeks’ time the refugees will get access to a monthly allowance provided by the locale municipality. This happens on the condition that the refugees are registered at the municipality. The height of the allowance is determined by the place where someone lives and the amount of people (kids/adults) in one family. At this moment the locale municipality is setting up a system to give out the allowance in a few weeks’ time. In the meantime we advise to use the BSN-number of the refugee to open a bank account so this can be used in the future. The BSN-number is given to the refugee at the moment of registration in the local municipality.

Are refugees from Ukraine allowed to work?

Ukrainians are allowed to work in the Netherlands if they have a Ukrainian passport. The company for which &Ukrainians start working needs to register the refugees that work for them.

Can Ukrainian children go to school in the Netherlands?

It is obvious that Ukrainian children will soon have the right to education. For children without a residence permit, they, just like Dutch children, are obliged to attend school from the age of 5 to their 18th.

Within this municipality, children will not immediately start at a school, but will first go to a starters class. There they can get used to the Dutch system, ask questions and get used to the environment. The starters class takes place from the 4th of April up until the 8th of May.

Location: IKC Vindingrijk, Horgetouw 1 in Uden
Dates: each Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10.00 a.m. till 12.00 a.m (except 18th of April).

After the starters class the children can get registered at one of the special schools in het local area that offer them education.
You can register a child for the starters class by sending an e-mail to: Please include the name and date of birth of the child, the address where they are currently staying, e-mail address and phone number. More information about the school, school times and what to bring to school will be sent out before the 9th of May.

Q&A Help and information

I would like to help, what can I do?

There are a number of ways you can help:

Local initiatives

We see that many initiatives have been started in the various cores in recent days. This shows how connected residents feel and that together we put our shoulders to the wheel to help the people of Ukraine. We facilitate and connect people wherever possible.  An example of this is that the municipal yard in Schaijk has been made available for the collection of goods.

Do you have items collected or available? There are a number of locations where you can take this:

In this way we provide central places where we can get items that are needed for the various reception locations and / or that are put on transport to Ukraine.

Do you have another great initiative or do you have practical questions for help? Please contact us via the special email address oekraï

More information can also be found at

On the platform of vluchtelingenwerk ( (Deze link gaat naar een andere website))  you will find the latest information about procedures, reception and offering help to Ukrainian refugees in the Netherlands.

Through the website 'For Refugees' (Deze link gaat naar een andere website), Ukrainian refugees can find information in different languages.

The Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) has also created a special webpage with information for Ukrainian refugees. On the homepage of the IND (Deze link gaat naar een andere website) you can click on the tile 'Ukraine' for the latest information.

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